
Having learned the fundamental skills to deliver EMDR Therapy, many attendees elect to join with experienced EMDR therapists to further their skills and knowledge by taking specialist workshops with us. Evaluations of these masterclasses show that participants have taken their confidence to new levels and they later report a significant enhancement of their delivery of EMDR Therapy.

On this page:

Healing Complex Trauma and Dissociation with Ego State Therapy and EMDR

Enhance Your EMDR Therapy Practice

How to Work Effectively with Complex Trauma in EMDR Therapy

Healing Complex Trauma and Dissociation with Ego State Therapy and EMDR

Presented by

Dr Michael C. Paterson OBE PhD, DClinPsych, CPsychol, AFBPsS EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer

Next workshops

Thursday 3 October 2024

9.00am to 4.30pm

Via Zoom

Book Now (Individual)

IMPORTANT: Only register here if you are paying now – you will receive a VAT invoice. If you are funded by a body which needs to issue a purchase order (e.g. NHS), or is exempt from UK VAT, please email us to register – info@emdrmasterclass.com

This workshop initially provides an overview of dissociation and how it impacts on EMDR processing. There will be an explanation of Ego State Therapy (EST) and how it fits with EMDR to provide the stabilization clients need, as well as dealing with blocked processing. Clinical case material is used throughout to illustrate learning points. Through demonstration and practice participants will learn how to build resources for clients, access ego states in a controlled way and effect therapeutic change. In the latter part of the day, participants will see videos of live cases where EST is used effectively in the Preparation Phase of EMDR to: 1) identify the part-selves and 2) moderate the malevolence displayed by two difficult ego states. Versions of this workshop were delivered pre-conference for ESTD in 2010 and EMDR Europe in 2014, both highly acclaimed by attendees.

Learning objectives

  • Understand how complex trauma and dissociative disorders impact on processing
  • Understand the concept of working with part-selves as a way of preparing clients for the standard EMDR protocol.
  • Learn how to access ego states in a controlled way and effect therapeutic change and stability.
  • Learn techniques to deal with difficult ego states.


We all display particular patterns of thinking, feeling and acting, depending on the situation. The transition is usually seamless in well-adjusted people, but where there has been disrupted attachment or sustained early life trauma the result is often the formation of particular ego states, also known as alters, parts, or schema modes. These states perform roles usually geared towards survival, but in adulthood they can be dysfunctional. Depending upon a client’s early life experiences some ego states can be malevolent, wanting bad things for the client such as willing them to suffer in some way. These clients present us with the greatest challenges through what we know as complex trauma and dissociative disorders. It is necessary for clients to remain stable during EMDR sessions and contained between sessions, particularly with complex trauma and dissociative disorders. There is a need, therefore, to learn techniques to work in the Preparation Phase with more difficult clients so they too can benefit from the full EMDR protocol. It is also helpful to know how to deal with blocked processing in the Desensitization Phase due to the interference of an ego-state.

The Presenter

Dr Michael Paterson is a Clinical Psychologist based in Belfast specialising in the treatment of multiply traumatised people. It was largely based on his clinical work with EMDR Therapy that he was awarded the OBE in 2008 for Services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. Always an advocate for EMDR, Michael sat on CREST in 2003 (Northern Ireland) and played a key role in ensuring the recommendation of EMDR Therapy as an effective treatment for PTSD in adults; the guidance from CREST subsequently fed into the NICE deliberations and their recommendation in 2005. He was invited by Dr Shapiro to train with her as an EMDR Institute Trainer, joining the Institute’s Faculty in 2006. Michael is a past President of the EMDR Association of UK & Ireland. Michael has authored a chapter in the landmark book, Healing the Heart of Trauma and Dissociation with EMDR and Ego State Therapy. He has also published articles on stress, and on trauma in the emergency services. He has presented at conferences on treating complex PTSD, and also conferences specialising in dissociation.

Awarded 6 EMDR CPD points.

Enhance Your EMDR Therapy Practice

Presented by

Dr Michael C. Paterson OBE PhD, DClinPsych, CPsychol, AFBPsS EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer

Next workshops

Day 1 Mon 24 June 2024 – EMDR Europe CPD points applied for

Day 2 practical experience (optional) Tue 25 June 2024

9.00am to 4.30pm

IMPORTANT: Only register here if you are paying now – you will receive a VAT invoice. If you are funded by a body which needs to issue a purchase order (e.g. NHS), or is exempt from UK VAT, please email us to register – info@emdrmasterclass.com

BOOK AND PAY NOW (Individual)

Join Dr Paterson for a highly evaluated workshop designed to take your EMDR Therapy practice to a higher level. This is for therapists who have done their EMDR training and have used the therapy with clients, either regularly or on occasion. It would suit relatively new EMDR therapists wanting to develop their skills, as well as those working towards Accredited Practitioner status or existing Accredited Practitioners considering the goal of Accredited EMDR Consultant. Those who are a bit rusty in their EMDR practice could benefit from this as a refresher; they would need to have been using the therapy with clients in the past as some retained knowledge is essential.

If the above does not describe you, the following option will meet your needs. If you did your EMDR Therapy Standard Training in the past and have done little, or no practice since, there is an additional day offered (optional) where you can avail of practical experience under the guidance of an experienced EMDR Therapy training Facilitator.

Learning objectives

Day 1

  • Gain a fuller understanding of the AIP Model and its application for client selection and treatment planning
  • Gain additional Preparation Phase skills
  • Develop the ability to identify blatant and subtle errors in Phases 3 to 7
  • Reinforce correct application of the three-pronged protocol of past, present and future

6 EMDR CPD points awarded.

Day 2 (optional)

  • Put the AIP model into practice by identifying the three prongs associated with a real presenting issue
  • Get supervised practice of EMDR Phases 1 to 8

Email us to register interest

The Trainer

The course will be presented by Dr Michael Paterson OBE, a Past President of EMDR Association UK & Ireland. He is a clinical psychologist who specialises in treating trauma in emergency services, dissociative disorders and also people suffering chronic pain. He was specially selected to be a Trainer with the EMDR Institute and has been personally trained to the highest standard by Dr Francine Shapiro, the founder of EMDR. Michael’s mix of humour and learning during trainings leads to an enjoyable experience for all; he consistently receives positive feedback and high ratings.

The Venue

Online via Zoom

Email us to register interest

How to Work Effectively with Complex Trauma in EMDR Therapy

Presented by

Dr Michael C. Paterson OBE PhD, DClinPsych, CPsychol, AFBPsS EMDR Europe Accredited Senior Trainer

Next workshops

Thursday 5 September 2024 – Online

9.00am to 4.30pm

Awarded 6 EMDR CPD points

IMPORTANT: Only register here if you are paying now – you will receive a VAT invoice. If you are funded by a body which needs to issue a purchase order (e.g. NHS), or is exempt from UK VAT, please email us to register – info@emdrmasterclass.com

Book and pay now (individual)


Our clients present on a continuum of complexity based on their level of maladaptively stored experiences, their adaptive experiences, and how they have coped. Those at the more complex end of the continuum present us with the greatest challenges through what we know as complex trauma and dissociative disorders. It is necessary for clients to remain stable during EMDR sessions, and contained between sessions, particularly with complex trauma and dissociative disorders. There is a need, therefore, to learn how to understand a complex client presentation, develop an effective treatment plan, and how use techniques to work in the Preparation Phase with more difficult clients, so they can benefit from the full EMDR protocol. This workshop provides new learning and helps you develop the skills needed to work effectively with this population. The first full-day version of this workshop was delivered in April 2024 and was highly evaluated by attendees.

Learning objectives

Understand how complex trauma and dissociative disorders impact on reprocessing

Understand the full complexity of a client’s presentation

Learn how to develop an effective treatment plan

Learn techniques to stabilise complex clients in Phase 2


Delegates will learn to fully understand complex presentations, and then develop effective EMDR Therapy treatment plans. They will also develop techniques to work in the Preparation Phase with more difficult clients so they can benefit from the full EMDR Therapy protocol.

This event will suit those therapists who have completed their Standard Training and are keen to develop further their EMDR Therapy practice. It would also appeal to therapists who have completed their Part 1 training, gained some experience, and are up for the intellectual change this workshop will give them.

Learning will occur in different ways. There is an interactive lecturing style, interspersed with lots of case examples, and videos, from over 25 years of EMDR Therapy practice. There are experiential exercises, as well as small group treatment-planning exercises to draw on newly taught techniques.

The Trainer

Dr Michael Paterson is a Clinical Psychologist based in Belfast, specialising in the treatment of multiply traumatised people. It was largely based on his clinical work with EMDR Therapy that he was awarded the OBE in 2008 for Services to Healthcare in Northern Ireland. Always an advocate for EMDR, Michael sat on CREST in 2003 (Northern Ireland) and played a key role in ensuring the recommendation of EMDR Therapy as an effective treatment for PTSD in adults; the guidance from CREST subsequently fed into the NICE deliberations and their recommendation in 2005. He was invited by Dr Shapiro to train with her as an EMDR Institute Trainer, joining the Institute’s Faculty in 2006. Michael is a past President of the EMDR Association of UK & Ireland. Michael has authored a chapter in the landmark book, Healing the Heart of Trauma and Dissociation with EMDR and Ego State Therapy. He has also published articles on stress, and on trauma in the emergency services. He has presented at conferences on treating complex PTSD, and also conferences specialising in dissociation.