EMDR Therapy

Research overview

Clinical applications

Some recent papers on clinical applications(Word document) – Download

An integrative model of case formulation and the symptom-informed model of target sequencing (Leeds, 2021)

Easily understood neuroscientific explanation of the role of eye movements in EMDR Therapy – Dr Andrew
Huberman | Video 5:25 mins

Eating disorders

Bloomgarden, A., & Calogero, R. M. (2008). A randomized experimental test of the efficacy of EMDR treatment on negative body image in eating disorder inpatients. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 16(5), 418-427. – LINK

Hatoum, A. H., & Burton, A. L. (2024). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy for the treatment of eating disorders: A systematic review of the literature. Mental Health Science, e92. – OPEN ACCESS


EMDR Therapy for people on the autistic spectrum (Fisher et al, 2022)

EMDR Therapy for people with impaired cognitive ability (Hutchins & Proudlock, 2023)

Resources to  help understand developmental trauma, and how to  heal it (Beacon House)

Working with Autism – BPS guidelines


EMDR Therapy for OCD (Logie, 2019)

EMDR Therapy for OCD (Marsden, 2016)


EMDR Therapy and Exposure in Patients with Florid Psychotic Symptoms – References

van der Vleugel et al 2020 – Changes in posttraumatic cognitions mediate the effects of trauma-focused therapy on paranoia

de Bont et al 2019 – Health–economic benefits of treating trauma in psychosis

de Bont et al 2019 suppl

EMDR for Psychosis (EMDRp): Protocol of a feasibility randomized controlled trial with early intervention service users (Varese et al)

Sexual abuse by religious figures

Farrell, D. P. (2009). Sexual abuse perpetrated by Roman Catholic priests and religious. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 12(1), 39-53. – LINK

Farrell, D., Dworkin, M., Keenan, P., & Spierings, J. (2010). Using EMDR with survivors of sexual abuse perpetrated by Roman Catholic priests. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 4(3), 124-133. – LINK


Guidance for good practice in EMDR for clinicians working with children and
adolescents in the UK and Ireland – PDF Document

Resources to  help understand developmental trauma, and how to  heal it (Beacon House)

Explaining EMDR Therapy to a child (animation) | EMDR UK

Explaining EMDR Therapy to an adult (animation) | EMDR UK

The Butterfly Hug for self-induced BLS – a technical understanding (Jarero & Artigas, 2024)

EMDR Publications Database – acceptable papers for evidence-based therapy

Francine Shapiro Library – open access

Journal of EMDR Practice and Research – open access to past issues

Interview with Dr Francine Shapiro (Video)

EMDR Institute


Training videos:


History Taking and Preparation Phases (inc treatment planning)

Taking an AIP informed history for EMDR Therapy

Healing an attachment wound with EMDR Therapy

Where to start in EMDR Therapy with clients who have a history of abuse

Complex case formulation and initial steps

How to understand your client’s presentation and then develop a treatment plan

Which protocol should I use in EMDR Therapy?

Standard protocol or EMD for complex clients in EMDR Therapy?

EMDR Therapy for first responders

Healing the inner child in the EMDR Therapy Preparation Phase

What is dissociation and how does it serve us?

Dissociation and readiness to start reprocessing with EMDR Therapy

Reprocessing a feared future situation in EMDR Therapy

Performance enhancement with EMDR Therapy

Delivering EMDR Therapy online or with social distancing

Use of tapping for bilateral stimulation in EMDR Therapy

Viability of EMDR Therapy when there are possible legal proceedings

How are disturbing memories stored in the brain?

How and when to use the Floatback Technique in EMDR Therapy

Use of EMDR Therapy when a reported trauma memory is inaccurate, exaggerated, or untrue

EMDR Therapy for symptom relief of adult onset trauma without targeting early life memories

How long should the EMDR Preparation Phase be?

Resourcing in EMDR Therapy – setting boundaries

Engaging a reluctant client in EMDR Therapy

Anger issues: Engaging a reluctant client + identifying triggers and past memories for reprocessing

Urge reduction with EMDR Therapy prior to processing past memories

Dream Completion Technique for post trauma nightmares – Dr Justin Havens

The Light Stream – Guided Visual Imagery (Meditative)

Mindfulness for peace, calm, and managing stress

Affect regulation with Nature Being Art – 7 Days of Beauty

Sparsha Pranayama (Yoga) breathing practice with Dr Bridget O’Rawe

Assessment Phase

Video tutorial of EMDR Assessment (Phase 3)

Accessing a cluster of memories with a representative image in EMDR Therapy

How to access an image for reprocessing a cluster of memories when your client can’t identify any specific image

Included in Urge reduction with EMDR Therapy prior to processing past memories

Desensitization Phase

Which protocol should I use in EMDR Therapy?

Standard protocol or EMD for complex clients in EMDR Therapy?

EMDR Therapy to process pain

Urge reduction with EMDR Therapy prior to processing past memories 

How to let EMDR reprocessing flow

Using cognitive interweaves in EMDR Therapy

Cognitive interweaves for resistant somatic sensations

Reprocessing anger and dealing with rage ego states

Reprocessing a feared future situation in EMDR Therapy

Reprocessing past trauma with EMDR Therapy when a current threat situation still exists

EMDR Therapy for first responders

Delivering EMDR Therapy online or with social distancing

Which type of bilateral stimulation to use

Use of tapping for bilateral stimulation in EMDR Therapy

Rights and wrongs of checking the SUD


Subscribe (FREE) to our YouTube channel for notifications of new training videos



Understanding the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) – video

EMDR Resources in the Era of COVID-19 (e-book)

Container exercise for clients to achieve greater stabilization – Katy Murray

Developing and Strengthening the Inner Adult State – Dr Arun Mansukhani

TICES Record – download

Continuous Installation of Present Orientation and Safety (CIPOS) – Download

Back of the Head Scale – Download

Urge Reduction With EMDR – Hase et al (2008)

Resources and information on  EMDR Therapy to treat pain (Mark Grant)

EMDR Therapy to process pain (YouTube)

YouTube: The Light Stream – Guided Visual Imagery (Meditative)

YouTube: Mindfulness for peace, calm, and managing stress

Affect regulation with Nature Being Art – 7 Days of Beauty

YouTube: Sparsha Pranayama (Yoga) breathing practice with Dr Bridget O’Rawe

Electronic equipment for bilateral stimulation – EMDR Equipment Europe

Bilateral audio tones – use with wired headphones 

Working With Autism – BPS Best Practice Guidelines


Join EMDR Association UK OR EMDR All Ireland:

EMDR Association UK Special offer: Free Year 1 membership for EMDR Therapy trainees up to completing Part 3 – Application Form

Apply to join EMDR UK after training – Application Form

EMDR All Ireland Special offer: Free Year 1 membership for EMDR Therapy trainees up to completing the Standard Training – Online Application Form

Apply to join EMDR All Ireland after training – Online Application Form

Online applications go to the national EMDR Associations, NOT EMDR Masterclass


Required reading:

Shapiro’s (2018) ‘Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures’, 3rd Edition – the text on which EMDR Therapy training worldwide is based. View/Buy at Amazon
Getting past Shapiro’s ‘Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy’ – includes wonderful case examples of the AIP model. View/Buy at Amazon

Recommended reading:

Royle & Kerr’s ‘Integrating EMDR Into Your Practice: Getting the Basics Right ‘ – well received addition to the field of EMDR Therapy. This book answers the questions which come up for therapists when they lack the knowledge they feel they need or are stuck about what to do next. View/Buy at Amazon
EMDR EST Forgash & Copeley’s (eds) ‘Healing the Heart of Trauma and Dissociation with EMDR and Ego State Therapy’ – experts in the field of using ego state therapy within the EMDR Therapy framework, share their knowledge and skills in this highly acclaimed book now translated into several languages. View/Buy at Amazon
Bergmann EMDR Bergmann’s ‘Neurobiological Foundations for EMDR Practice’ – this book explains all aspects of our neurobiological responses to life events from the simple synapse to ictal activity occurring with state switches in clients with complex presentations. View/Buy at Amazon
EMDR for Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses Miller’s ‘EMDR for Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses’ – this is written in an easy to read style and has been applauded by learned members of the EMDR Therapy community. View/Buy at Amazon
EMDR next gen Morris-Smith & Silvestre’s ‘EMDR for the Next Generation – Healing Children and Families, 2nd Edition’ – a landmark up-to-date book on EMDR therapy with younger clients. View/Buy at Amazon
small wonders Lovett’s ‘Small Wonders – Healing Childhood Trauma With EMDR’ – a popular book full of excellent information and guidance. Very reasonable price! View/Buy at Amazon
Trauma Attachment Tangle Lovett’s ‘Trauma-Attachment Tangle: Modifying EMDR to Help Children Resolve Trauma and Develop Loving Relationships’ – up to date book considering the impact of trauma on attachment and how to address it with EMDR Therapy. A highly regarded publication. View/Buy at Amazon
EMDR Fam Ther Shapiro et al’s ‘Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes’ – experts in the field come together to deliver this comprehensive text on how to use EMDR Therapy in a wide range of family circumstances. View/Buy at Amazon


International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)

European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)

Trauma FAQs David Baldwin’s Trauma Information Pages

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) video

2025 study reveals that sleep prevents unwanted memories from intruding | UEA



National Center for PTSD – resources and PILOTS database

Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ). Key questions about childhood experiences to help identify risk of trauma-related physical and mental ill health.

Working With Autism – BPS Best Practice Guidelines

Resources to  help understand developmental trauma, and how to  heal it (Beacon House)


Recommended Reading:

Perry’s ‘The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog and Other Stories’ – wonderful accounts of challenging cases from Dr Perry’s casebook. When read with Shapiro’s AIP model in mind these are wonderful examples of how early life traumas lead to significant presenting difficulties. View/Buy at Amazon
traumatic stress Van Der Kolk et al’s ‘Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society’ – a must read for those wanting to further their understanding of psychological trauma. The expert authors explain the field in a very readable way. View/Buy at Amazon
body keeps score Van Der Kolk’s ‘The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma’ – superbly written book, a must for every trauma therapist’s book collection. View/Buy at Amazon
waking tiger Levine’s ‘Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma – The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences’ – a superb book which I couldn’t put down. This gives a great understanding of trauma and our neurobiological responses. View/Buy at Amazon


International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD)

European Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation

Treatment Guidelines for Adults | ISSTD

Treatment Guidelines for Children/Adolescents | ISSTD

What is dissociation and how does it serve us?

Dissociation and readiness to start reprocessing with EMDR Therapy

EMDR and Ego state Therapy (Forgash, 2005)


Dissociative Experiences Scale II (DES) with interpretive guide


Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire | E.R.S. Nijenhuis, PhD

Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation | Paul F. Dell, PhD

Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) | Colin A. Ross, MD

Child Dissociative Checklist| F.W. Putnam MD

Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale | Judith Armstrong PhD, Eve Bernstein Carlson PhD & Frank W. Putnam MD

Resources to  help understand developmental trauma, and how to  heal it (Beacon House)


Recommended reading:

Boon coping trauma diss Boon, Steele & Van Der Hart’s ‘Coping With Trauma Related Dissociation’ – an excellent book written in an easy to read style which provides a wealth of techniques to help manage dissociation. View/Buy at Amazon
Neurobiol dissoc Paulsen, Lanius and Corrigan’s ‘Neurobiology and Treatment of Traumatic Dissociation: Towards an Embodied Self’ – excellent scholarly text written in a comfortable reading style. View/Buy at Amazon
ego states tt Watkins & Watkins’ ‘Ego States: Theory and Therapy’ – a wonderful text initially explaining the psychodynaic theory and then giving superb case transcripts of working with parts of the personality. This book set me on my way to developing my expertise in working with ego states. View/Buy at Amazon
EMDR EST Forgash & Copeley’s (eds) ‘Healing the Heart of Trauma and Dissociation with EMDR and Ego State Therapy’ – experts in the field of using ego state therapy within the EMDR Therapy framework, share their knowledge and skills in this highly acclaimed book now translated into several languages. View/Buy at Amazon